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November 2015

Publication of ALS: Is the Spinal Fluid Pathway Involved in Seeding and Spread? in Medical Hypotheses, 85(5), 576-583.

Dr. Smith, along with colleagues John Ravits (UCSD) and Robert Bowser (Barrows Neurologic Institute), recently authored a paper that advanced the idea that the spinal fluid pathway may play a key role in the development and spread of ALS. The article was published in Medical Hypotheses and can be found here.

Nuedexta Treatment Trial

CNS is pleased to report that the recently completed Nuedexta ALS treatment trial was a resounding success. The nationwide study, conducted at seven NEALS research sites, convincingly demonstrated that Nuedexta can enhance speech and swallowing in ALS patients and facilitate their ability to control their oral secretions. The results of the trial will be presented at the upcoming International ALS meeting.


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